Wildhorse Canyon

I went out with my father, grandfather and two of his buddies to Wildhorse Canyon near the town of Antelope in Central Oregon. Wildhorse is a Young Life campground which had previously been the property of the guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. We were there to work on weed control for the camp. For this trip we were concentrating our efforts on eliminating the invasive scotch thistle (Onopordum acanthium). My grandfather and his buddies kept busy cutting off the heads of old plants and collecting the seeds, which if left could produce thousands of plants over the next few years. The seed can lay dormant for up to four years before germinating so even if we were to kill all the plants the seeds in those pods could spring up new plants in the next several years. My father and I walked around the property spot spraying the scotch thistle where ever we could find it.
It was a beautiful place and I wouldn't mind going back.

Here are a couple pictures of our trip:

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